Wednesday, 24 October 2012

The City

For a long time I have dreamed to go to Paris especially now when I live in London as it is so easy to go there by Eurostar but still I hadn't done so. Two weeks ago when I was just laying on my bed and surfing in facebook I saw that one of my best friends is planning to go to Paris. I didn't even think twice but bought the ticket almost right away and didn't even ask her what her exact plans are, who she is going with, where she is staying. It was just the right feeling and good push to finally reach the destination I had dreamed of.

So last weekend I packed my little bag and sat on the train towards Paris. I wouldn't have expected its so comfortable and it takes just 3,5h! The train went straight from the center of London and I had to be there just 20 min before travelling to the airport, security controls and waiting for two hours for the plane to arrive. When I arrived Paris and stepped out from the train station I had the best feeling see the architecture, the people; and hear the language- it just seemed like in the movie. I think I sound like I travelled first time in my life but Paris just has so good impact on me and I loved the city to the pieces! 

My friends still hadn't arrived by the time I arrived so I was just walking with no direction or map knowing where im going but it was the best 3-hour-walk of my life. There was just so much to see everywhere...and the feeling of getting lost and not knowing where you will end up!:) After three hours I finally went to the nearest metro station to see where I am and look for a way to the hotel where I had to meet my friends. On my trip I was actually planning to stay at a hostel as my friends had already booked a hotel a long ago but luckily we managed to get an extra bed in their room so we could stay all together.

The whole weekend was great! 

Sightseeing- saw the Eiffel tower that is actually smaller than I had imagined. Went to the top of the tower where the view is superb. Louvre! Notre Dame!

Boat trip- I have been in London several times on a boat trip on River Thames so I couldn't miss the boat trip in Paris on River Seine at night when all the buildings are lighten up.

Club- Of course in every city I visit I have to experience the nightlife. We had no idea which club is good in Paris but luckily I had read few days before the trip a Design magazine where was written about the club Le' Arc and its design. Therefore, we decided to go there and it was a good choice. We got inside straight away even though there was a que; there wasn't any entrance fee or at least we didn't have to pay it; we were invited to the a vip area where we had free drinks all night; the music was great; people were great and design was good. All the night was so much fun! The funny thing is that me, Keili & K2tlin woke up in the morning in the same bed- party clothes on, make-up on, wearing contact lenses and a laptop was beneath us! I have no idea how we passed out like that:)

Food- I usually eat just chicken but in Paris they didn't sell any chicken at all so I made some exceptions and tried duck, beef and pigeon. Two of my friends were all the time eating oysters but I hate seafood- no fish whatsoever but at on one dinner they were insisting me to try at least one oyster! So I tried- tears were running down on my cheeks and I couldn't think of the taste but just how I could swallow it down so it wouldn't come back up. Finally, I managed it and survived but im sure it was the first and last oyster of my life. 

The most I love about Paris is that there is so much to see- you can look anywhere there is always a view to something! 

So now I know how easy it is to get there and how beautiful the city is so its just a matter of time when im back in Paris;)

Saturday, 13 October 2012


Kõik mu armsad sõbrad kodumail on juba ammu usinad koolijütsid, kuid minul oli alles esimene koolipäev neljapäeval. Oktoobris õppetööga alustamine tundub alati mõnus suvepikendus, kuid tegelikult oleks parem ikkagi septembris algust teha.

Niisiis, nagu igal aastal algas ka sel aastal esimene koolipäev paanikahooga, sest kohale jõudes visatakse ette mahukad projektid, millel kõigil tähtajaks juba Novembri keskpaik. Kui keskkoolis ootasin juba esimesel koolipäeval pikkisilmi, kuna see jõuluvaheaeg juba kätte jõuab, siis siinmail ma ainult tunnen hirmu kuidas ta vägisi liiga kiirelt tahab kohale jõuda. Mitte et ma jõule ei tahaks..tahan küll, sest kodumaile on pilet juba soetatud, kuid siiski pean enne need kiired 2 kuukest üle elama ja vaeva nägema, et kodumaa reis oleks ikka preemia eest tubli töö eest:)

Nagu ma eelmises postituses rääkisin, siis klassikaaslased on mul uued ja nii on ka õppejõud. Õppejõud on karmimad kui olid enne, kuid see sunnib ainult rohkem vaeva nägema! ja klassikaaslased...hmm, need on omaette teema. 

Eelmisel kursusel oli meid igas vanuseklassis ning kõik olid omavahel valdavalt sõbralikud. Nagu ikka tekivad koolides grupid, siis tekkisid ka meil, kuid 50 klassikaaslast jagunes pigem 2-3 suureks grupiks. Neljapäeval klassiruumi jõudes oli näha, et ka selgi korral on valdavlt tydrukud ning 50 inimese hulgas leidub ehk 4-5 kutti (lucky guys!...or not). 

Täna oli mul aega neid rohkem vaadelda :D (lihtsalt liiga pikk seminar!), ning tundub et enamik on minust aasta-kaks nooremad. Mis oli aga veider, on see, et terve klass on jagunenud nii 2-3 tsiki mini gruppideks. Miks nad küll k6ik eraldi hoiavad, seda ei tea...aga eks ma saan selle varsti teada. Või noh, ma sain juba täna aru et ma olen veidike nagu tagasi põhikoolis. Nimelt ei mahtunud üks baka tüdrukutest (kõige mehisema mehe häälega) enda sõbranna kõrvale istuma, mille peale ta minu ja mõne mu endise kursakaaslase ees vihaselt pomises: Oh god! The New Ones (ehk siis mina ja mu 6 kursa6de, kes bakasse yle tulime) have taken up alllll our SPACE!!! ning põrnitsedes teise laua taha läks. Ma küll ei tea kui palju ruumi saavad 7 ekstra inimest klassis võtta, kui toole on rohkem kui meid kõiki kokku, aga no ju siis saab. dramamamaa

Kursuse direktor on meil see-eest väga tore, kuigi ma talt juba teisel tunnil suutsin märkuse saada, et ma telefoniga korraks kirjutasin. Karmen you know the rules! See ei j22nud aga ainsaks korraks kui ta mu nime klassi ees h6ikas. Ei rikkunud ma kyll yhtegi reeglit enam, aga ju ta lihtsalt sai mu nime nii selgeks , et pidi seda kordama. 

Nõndaks siis esimesest  koolipäevast ja uutest inimestest.

Viies nüüd jutu täiesti mujale: ärge kunagi võtke endale ahvipärdikuid!

Nimelt mu naabril on kaks pisikest eriti armast pärdikut! Naaber läks nüüd ise reisile ja palus mul neile vahepeal toitu anda, millega ma muidugi suuremeelselt nõustusin, sest nad olid ju tõsiselt armsad ja ma loomaaeda palju ju ei satu! Peremees ütles veel, et ega ma neid kartma ka ei pea sest nad ei hammusta, kui siis ainult veidi näksavad...

Teisel korral syya andma minnes võtsin siis seda kaussi puurist välja kui pärdik mulle hambad pöidlasse lõi, millepeale mul kauss toiduga põrandale laiali lendas  ja pärdik ise puurist välja hüppas. Oh seda nalja ja lõbu oli siis teda veel tagasi puuri saada nii et teine pärdik välja ei tuleks! ju teda enam puudutada ei julgenud, sest ta istus puuri peal...susises ja oli sellise pilguga ja olekuga et ta hüppab mulle iga sekund näkku. Lõpuks ma õnneks ta ikkagi kuidagi puuri tagasi sain. Ahjaa...kaelast on ta mind ka juba hammustanud kui ta ükskord mulle selga hüppas nii et pärast nagu suur maasikas oleks kaelal olnud. Ja kes siis seda uskunuks kui ma ütlen, et ahv hammustas?!:)

Nii et nüüd siis olen õppetunni saanud, et kui järgminekord keegi peaks paluma mul enda lemmikloomale toitu anda kuniks teine reisil on, siis see lemmikloom peaks siiski olema kass või koer, mitte eriti petliku nunnu olekuga kuri pärdik.

Pocahontas & Mowgli

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Year Three

After a great Summer (apart from the bad weather everywhere) which i spent half of the time in London and other half in Estonia, I finally decided I should write again to my blog that is long forgotten.

Many of you know that I am studying some sort of design make things clear im studying Interior Design and the whole system is more complicated that you can imagine at least the Way I chose to receive my BA degree. Therefore, im gonna explain a bit and tell how everything has turned out.

To get in to the first year on BA interior design I had to have a Diploma in Arts ( 1year) which I 
didn't have so I looked for other options how could I still be able to receive my BA degree in 3 years and no more than that. I discovered that there is a Foundation Degree which is 2 year long and is fairly similar to the BA degree but it is also achieved before you start your BA degree...but if... So there was a "but if"- but if you will be good enough you have an opportunity to apply for the Final Year of BA after you have receive your foundation degree qualification.

So in June I received my Foundation Degree with B+, after which I had to apply for the final year BA which had 3 stages. Firstly, I had to send my personal statement. Secondly, I was invited to the interview and I had to show my portfolio. Thirdly, as I passed previous two stages, I had assignment to write essay/proposal which was 2000 words. 

Actually, there was one more requirement..the most stupid one.. They asked me to re-take my IELTS English Test as it is valid for just 2 years and if im applying for a different course I need to have a valid English test for enrolling.
My question is : Can anyones English really go worse after studying full-time for 2 years? Well...anyway.. I passed the test and wasted £130 for it (ticket money to Estonia!).

 I managed to pass all three stages which means everything went as I planned two years ago and now im on my 3rd year of BA ID that starts in a week! But before that I need to finish quick my
another essay/proposal that they asked us to do during our summer holidays:) 
Let the sleepless nights begin!

Here are also some of my pictures from the photoshoot I did during the summer:)